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HHH In The News

Videos and clips from news features
Kimberly Westphall reports on Hip Hop Heels, for Dallas Morning News.  Read the article here.


GMT with Kimber Westphall of Fit Trip


Fit Trip Visits Hip Hop Heels


My African Plan

Hip Hop Heels is about progress as a rhythm for the mind and body.  Also known as Hip-Hop High Heels, this dance class experience is a blend of various hip hop dance styles with the sensuality of jazz and the swag of a cardio workout.

Article by Chuki Obiyo

Plate Full of Boys

About a month ago I started feeling like I was losing myself. 

In truth...It is easy to lose yourself in this role called mom. To be clear, I have always wanted to be someone’s mom so part of me loves every single crazy minute of it and there is even some comfort in losing myself to the role. But lately, I have been feeling the question tugging at me. Who Am i? 

Article by Amanda Miller Marrone


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